Sunday, August 22, 2010

Geography Studies Videos Giveaway!


I have 3 fun Global Wonders videos we used during our Galloping the Globe studies last year to give away!  These are really cute.  My boys really enjoyed them as an "in-flight video" on our way to each country we studied.

Click on each picture to find out more on each dvd.

To enter, leave a comment telling me which one you would choose and why.  I will draw 3 different names randomly, on August 28th.  US Shipping Only.

I love Homeschool Creations and I love it when she hosts a Curriculum Clean- Out!  Fun times!


Kelly said...

These look like great videos. I think my kids would enjoy them. Thanks.

Kathie said...

We would soooo love to win these!

Tiffany said...

I would choose India because my daughter loves watching Bollywood dancing on tv. Ha ha!!

Nikki Painter said...

I know my girls would love any of them! If I had to choose, I would choose Mexico, we are beginning to learn Spanish this year :) Thanks for a great giveaway!

Leann said...

Oh, goodness! I'd love ALL of them. However, we too are starting Spanish, so Mexico would be perfect! Thanks for the giveaway.

kelly said...

We are studying My Father's World this year (Exploring cultures and countries) so these would be so fun for our "in-flight movie" as well. I would love Africa or India (as we have been to Mexico). Thanks so much for sharing the curriculum clean out (I am participating too!) So fun! =0)

Yan said...

I am sure my girls would enjoy these DVDs very much. I wish I would win.;)

Jayme S said...

I would totally love the Mexico one, as we went to a Quinceañera and to Mexico as well!

Our Country Road said...

What neat DVD's! Thank you for introducing me to such a wonderful resource. I dont know if I could pick just one. We would be happy to add any of the three to our learning library. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Carmelita B said...

As a 5th grade teacher, bringing diversity into the classroom and learning about other cultures is can open up new world and bring more understanding to our children. Great DVD's!!!

Lanna said...

I bet my kids would love the Mexico one. That's a place we have a slim chance of visiting at some point. :)

Alida Rodriguez said...

We would love Africa because we hope to adopt from there. ;-)

Penny said...

I would love the India one, since that is the country that I would need the most help teaching. Thanks!

Ticia said...

I'd pick Mexico because it's right next door, but I'd love any of them.

Lindsay @ BytesOfMemory said...

What fun! I would pick India. Two of my SILs go to an orphanage in India every few years and teach English for a summer. I would love for Sammy to learn more about that country :-)

Kim said...

These videos look so nice.

Cheryl said...

Tough choice! I would choose India or Africa! These look really cute.

Jacquelin said...

What neat DVD's. We would pick the Spanish one because we are continuing our study of Spanish. Thanks for the chance to win!

Stacia said...

I would love to win the Mexico one because we are learning Spanish via Dora :)

Allie said...

We loved them all! Really any one of them would be great. India first, Mexico and then Africa
amalliegater at gmail dot com

MamaHen said...

My daughter said she would love the Mexico one!

Kimberly said...

I would choose India....probably... or Mexico... or the African-American one. Wait, you said pick one?!?! :) They all look great and would add a nice dimension to our geography studies!

Julia said...

I would love to have the India one for my 6-year-old daughter. She is learning how to play the tabla (Indian drums), and really wants to learn more about their geography and culture. Thanks :)

jslegspoet at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

We just started Galloping the Globe 2 weeks ago - we would love the one on India - would be great addition.

Tara said...

Wow! These look like a great addition to our homeschool studies! Not sure I could really choose between them....

Jennifer @ Milk & Honey Mommy said...

I would choose the African-American DVD. Being able to teach African-American history to my children has been one of the many blessings of homeschooling.

Katie said...

I would love the India one. The culture seems very interesting, but I have never studied it to know much for myself.

Jamie Tobin said...

These videos would be great to start out the year.


Rana said...

Absolutely the African American dvd. It would be great for us since I have twin boy and girl and they could relate to the twins sibs in the video and we are African American. You don't get to see a lot of videos like that.


Cynthia said...

These look awesome! I would love to win these!

Lynn said...

Thank you for such a great give away! My son loves finding India on the globe, and I think that of the three, that is the culture he probably has the least exposure to, so I would probably pick that one. But he would also love the mexico one.

Cierra said...

The India edition would be awesome! I really think that my daughter would like that one the best but I know she (and me!) would be happy with ANY of them! Thanks for the chance!


kate n. said...

thanks for the giveaway! i would probably choose india first...then mexico. these look great! i would love to teach our kids more about the different cultures and these videos seem like a great place to start.

thanks again!

kate n.

katenowakistan @ gmail (dot) com

lisa said...

I'd choose Mexico, as my husband is Mexican, and I'd like the kids to know more about their heritage.

Gina said...

How wonderful are these! I've been trying to google for something like this... have came across these... they look GREAT! How I Hope I Win this!!! They all look wonderful... possible the Mexican one will go well with what we're doing now and starting to learn Spanish... but maybe the others would be harder to find or something like them? I don't know, they ALL are great.. I have my fingers crossed that I'll win!

Gina said...

I sure hope I win this!!!!!!!!!! They look wonderful and interesting and fun! Just what I'm looking for! We don't have anything like them! Wondering where you found such a treasure...

sarahssweeties said...

Hi Gina! Believe it or not, I found it at Kroger while shopping for groceries last year! I had to have them! It's those little things that come across your path that you just know is from the Lord!

Colleen Sherlock said...

I'd love to win any of these! I think if I had to choose I would say India.

Debbie Lott said...

I would choose India or Africa. We are studying world cultures this year and these look really cute!

Jessica said...

We would choose Mexico, because we have family from there but have never been. I feel like I haven't taught my kids enough about where I come from (language included), so these would be a great introduction for them.

Sara B said...

Love Curriculum Cleanout too! Would love the Mexico video because we are Galloping the Globe in North America this year. Have a great school year!

Michelle said...

I would choose Mexico! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Peach said...

Africa. We are very interested in differnt parts of Africa for some reason... So many different regions and things to see and experience!

Christy said...

I would love any of these, though we are in Africa right now. We are going through Galloping the Globe and have been having a lot of fun! :)

Leah said...

The kids said that they love the Mexico dvd the best! They all look great! Thanks!

mary said...

This would be perfect for us. Either one would be great!

LadyJ said...

These are so cute and I would love to give them a try with my kids.

mary said...

This would be perfect with what we are planning to study this fall!

Rashmi Turner said...

Sarah. Thanks much for featuring our DVDs on your Blog. I am glad you kids enjoyed them and very much appreciate you passing along the word about our products to others. Incidentally, we have just launched a new website (which I believe messes up your links, sorry), but also a new Facebook page. We're giving away a complete set of DVDs to people who "Like" us on Facebook. Just thought I'd let you know. And thanks again for your Blog post. It's very difficult to get exposure when we are such a small, independent brand. RT

Stephanie said...

I would like any of them I am sure, if I had to pick my top choice would probably be Mexico.

Cindy said...

We would love any of them, but if we had to choose, we'd pick Mexico as we've been studying that area of the world. Thanks!

Amanda said...

I would love to win the one on India. I think my son would love it, and I would hopefully learn something right along with him!

Kymmie said...

I can't pick just one! But probably India, since that is the culture my daughter has the least exposure to.

Mary V said...

My kids would love these! I'd probably choose Mexico.

min said...

I couldn't choose one because they all sounded great so I asked our 4 year old daughter which one she wanted to learn about and she chose Africa!

Mozi Esmes Mom said...

I'd love any of these! We're doing our own globe trotting this year... My first pick would be India.

janemaritz at yahoo dot com