Monday, June 29, 2009

Boy Fun

We had a good weekend.  I hope you did, as well!  One of my garage sale finds on Saturday morning was this adorable teepee.  It was brand new for $2!  I love garage sales!!!  And the boys love their new home.

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I love watching my boys play together.  They were all sitting on the couch together last night watching a show with Daddy.  I thought it was so cute that they were all sitting beside each other.  They had that whole sectional, but chose to sit together.  I love to see brotherly love!  After a while, they starting getting restless.  They piled on top of each other and Ethan says, "Look!  We're linking logs!"  Then they fell to the floor...


Montica said...

I just love to go to yard sales too! I haven't been to very many this year though. Nathan has a blue teepee he got when he was younger, he loved to play in it. It sounds like you are having a fun summer so far. We are having a busy, but fun one too. You should get a facebook account too. We get on there lots. If you are ever in Cville stop by for a visit. :o)

sarahssweeties said...

It's so funny to me how A & E point out all the yard sale signs when we are out! They love the bargains I find!