Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Change is so hard

Friday evening we were invited to our pastor's house for dessert.  (none for me!)  I had no idea what I was about to hear.  He started telling us a story.  I looked at him and said, "You are leaving us, aren't you?!"  I just knew it.  He continued with the story and sure enough, they are moving on to a church in TN close to where they are from.  It's a new and exciting opportunity for them.  Sad for us.  We shared and cried, cried and shared.  It was very difficult for us and another family that was there.  We have never been so close to a pastor and his family like we have been with them.

He had told the deacons and their families a week ahead.  He made the announcement Sunday morning to the congregation.  Everyone has taken it pretty hard.  Because it's change.

My dear Chad reminded me of a verse that is quite appropriate at this time...

I Corinthians 3:6

Paul planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.

Ashley planted our church 8 years ago, God is sending us a new pastor to water what he has started, but it will God that gives the increase!  We are very excited for Pastor Ashley and what lies ahead for him.  He and his family have been such an incredible blessing to us.  We sure hate to see them go.

But...God will continue to work in our church.  He already has.  Sunday night we had a town hall meeting.  Many showed up, which was a good sign.  I tell ya, we were all so united sitting there in that sanctuary.  Of course we are sad, and change is always so difficult to take or understand.  But I just thank the Lord Jesus for what He has done in our church.  There is no conflict there.  None.  We are all in this together and we will all stick it out through this time of change.  I am personally thrilled and can't wait to see what mighty plans the Lord has in store for us with a new pastor coming.

Pray for our church!

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