Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

That's just crazy!  Another year is behind us.  It almost feels strange to write and say 2010.  It sure seems like we should be traveling in spaceships and all kinds of crazy stuff by now!  2010!  Thanks to all of you for making my 2009 such a good one.  We were completely blessed.  Blessed with good health, protection, security, love, peace and more.  And that's all possible because of my Savior!  He's been so good and so faithful to us.  He's kept His promises.  He's the same God yesterday, today and forever!!  I pray we will all shine His light this coming year.  We need to now like never before!

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

We spent the evening together here at home.  We had pizza, chips and dip while watching the movie Snow White.  The boys received it for Christmas and they loved it!  We are all singing the songs from that movie now.  They really loved eating in the living room while watching a movie...a treat that only happens once in a while!

Last night we celebrated Christmas with Chad's dad and stepmom.  We had a great time and our living room was filled once again with toys and boxes!  I fixed a nice dinner.  We had a great visit together.

We did a lot of running around today running errands and shopping.  We went to the Nature's Workshop store and spent way too much time in there.  That's easy to do!  We went to Lowe's looking for some finish and paint for our kitchen table we are refinishing.  We were hoping to get a smaller tv for the family room, but not today.  We have a raincheck for a nice one on sale at Target.  I got some pretty shams to go with my new quilt.  I can't wait to have the bed all fixed up!  I just love it!  I will have to post some pics when the headboard and everything is all done.

Tomorrow Chad's mom and stepdad are coming over for lunch.   The rest of the weekend should be pretty laid back.  I will savor the last few days of my man being home.  It's been a nice 2 weeks with him home.

I'm off to try and stay awake until 12, just because.  It will probably happen.  That's been our new bedtime lately!  Ah!  This new Wii game is keeping us awake too late!!

Happy 2010!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Enjoyed reading your blog. Amen to how good God has been to our family.
We love you all.