Thursday, December 10, 2009

Random Thursday Thoughts

It's so cold tonight.  We are so grateful for a warm home.  Thank you, Carrier!  :)  We stayed in today with it as cold as it is.  We did a lot of cooking and baking today for a lady that attends our church.  Her husband had surgery and her back has been bothering her.  She is new to our church.  Her husband is not a believer.  They said they have never had a meal brought to them from a church, so I am praying this will speak to him especially!  Pray with me!  They are such sweet people.

Yesterday was a fun day.  We had a Christmas party with  our co-op group.  The kids had a blast.  See some pics on the co-op blog.  Right after the party, we went to a friend's house for lunch.  She is the one that has been so sick and so immuno-compromised that we hadn't see each other in a while.  She had us a fancy lunch, of course.  I love touring her home at Christmas!  Oh my, does she know how to decorate.  It was such a joy to be with her again.  I am praising the Lord that He has healed her!!  God is working and healing in many ways!  I found out today that two other friends received good news on some serious health concerns.  Glory to God!

The boys enjoyed a little Mamaw sleepover last night.  She had a super early dental appointment here in town.  Papaw was out of town, so she stayed with us.  The boys were disappointed, though, when she was gone when they woke up!

God has led me to a Bible study on Luke.  It's so appropriate at this time!  I have had the book a while, and decided to start the study.  I had forgotten what is was on.  So I was delighted to see how God had planned this one for me!  This first week has been about Elizabeth...a woman that was barren and blameless.  Yet she served as an encouragement to the mother of Jesus.  It's neat to think about their relationship with each other as friends.  Elizabeth blessed Mary and encouraged her in her faith.  I've been thinking about that a lot.  I want to be that kind of friend.

I have 3 little pair of zapatos sitting out for me to fill.  We are learning about how the country of Mexico celebrates Christmas this week.  So the boys will wake up to their surprises tomorrow.  More on that!

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