Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Complete Sustainer

I have been really enjoying the Beth Moore Study on David.  I am learning so much!  I love it when God places studies like this in my life just when I need it.  I have a friend that is doing it with me, and I know she is feeling the same way.  Her and her family are in the process of adoption, and I know this study has been so right for her during this time.  God is so good.

We've been studying about David being on the run from King Saul, who wanted David put to death because of the jealousy he had towards David.  David runs to Nob, a city of priests.  Perhaps he knew what he would find of God.  He came asking the priest for food.  The only bread that was there was the Bread of the Presence.  Beth describes how this bread might have been purposefully been used of God to feed David.  1. The bread of the Presence might have symbolized God's everlasting covenant with David.  2.The bread of the Presence might have symbolized the provision of God's presence in the life of David.  It was more than feeding David's stomach.  God was pledging His presence to David as a promise to be his complete sustainer.  That is what I found Him to be for me so many times.  My complete sustainer.  So many times He has been with me.  His presence is with me through reading scriptures, prayer time, through a song, or through a friend or family member.  I am so very thankful for how faithful my family and friends have been to me.  That reminder of His Presence calms me, although sometimes it takes me running frantically for a while like David did!  I am asking the Lord this morning to make me aware of the constant reminders that He is with me.  I want that hunger and thirst for His Word.  Beth says, "Like David, God doesn't want you feeding from common loaves.  He desires to feed you with the Bread of His Presence.  His table is always set."

May He sustain you today.

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