Thursday, May 27, 2010

More Pond Area

I've been working around my pond some more, just like I thought I might!  I had a good reason to get started.  My good friend, Melanie, gave me a beautiful rose bush.  She wanted to plant it in her yard, but that won't be her yard for too much longer.  So I expanded a little on the left side of my pond.

Sam helped me water it.  Watching him made me want to cry, it was so sweet.

I sent her this picture when I was done...

I told her I thought about putting on it, "My Friendship with Melanie, RIP" but then I remembered we would always be friends!  Andrew saw the picture and then went outside and wanted to know where the "Melanie" went.  I told him I just put it on the picture and not the rock.  He seemed to understand and said, "You didn't really want people to think she was buried there."  Heehee.

She's such a good friend.  She has always been there for me.  We are that kind of friend that the Bible speaks of...iron sharpening iron.  We've been through a lot together, but we've grown closer through it all, too.  I will always think of her when I sit out there by my pond.  It will be a great reminder of our friendship.  It will always be, for sure, but I'll just miss having here around so close!

So here you can kind of see it is as part of my pond area.  That got me motivated to do some work on the right side, which meets up to the sidewalk coming from the house.  Oh, the possibilities!

And the loveliest thing about having a pond...


Corina said...

What a beautiful, relaxing area!!

Amber said...

Hey my lily bloomed today too! Looks good so far keep up the good work!