Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Garden

This  is only our 2nd year for having a garden.  We didn't get a whole lot out of last year's.  It's been a fun learning experience for us all! The boys really get into it!

What we have in there:

Strawberries, Watermelon, Lettuce, Green Onion, Red Onion, Tomatoes, Green and Red Peppers, Spinach,Cucumbers,Green Beans, Zucchini, and Radishes.  We also have a blackberry bush and will have pumpkins later.

Everything is growing really well, including the weeds.  Arrrgg.  So we spend quite a bit of time around the garden.  But it's enjoyable. I really wish I would have watched my dad growing up.  He's an excellent gardener, and always seem to enjoy it.

All the plants were started from seed,except the tomatoes, onions and the peppers. The weather has been good, and Indiana soil is always good for growing!  We are really hoping it turns out well, and that we are able to share lots of good crops!

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.  John 15:5

1 comment:

Corina said...

Your plants are growing wonderfully!! About half of ours are looking really good. I, too, wish I had paid more attention to my mom growing up. We always had a huge garden, which was what fed us most of the summer and part of the winter, too. She still always has a great garden (and loves it, I'm still working on the totally enjoying it part!).....maybe it's not too late to learn from her.