Sunday, July 25, 2010

Race Weekend

It was Brickyard weekend here in Indy!

Chad took Friday off.  We headed down to where his dad and stepmom camp.  We went to watch them practice.  It was the first time our boys had seen Nascar in action.  They loved it!

We hung out for the rest of the evening.  We left Chad there and took off for home.  We took baths and went straight to bed!

Saturday I took the boys over to Chad's mom.  Then I headed back down to Indy.  We had a nice evening just relaxing around camp.  Sunday was the  race.  We had great seats...same each year.  So glad we weren't in the sun.  #48 and #24 (our favs) had their pit stops right in front of where we were seated!

Chad's mom brought the boys back home to us on Sunday evening.

It was a great weekend!


Corina said...

How fun! I bet it was so loud!

Lindsay @ Bytes of Memory said...

What a fun weekend! Looks like everyone had a blast!!