Monday, June 15, 2009

Our Weekend in Ohio

Chad got off early on Friday and we headed to Ohio.  We had a pleasant drive over.  Ethan was the only who fell asleep.  We were very shocked that Samuel didn't.  But he did great.  Maybe it was the fresh aroma of a lily plant we had in the van.  :)  We went to my parents' and enjoyed spending time with them.  Had a yummy dinner, as always.  Then we took the lily to my sister's house.  She has put in a lovely little pond.  They were delighted to have a new plant.  It was even blooming for them!  It was nice to visit with them some.  Saturday we had a lazy morning at my parents'.  That afternoon was my niece's graduation.  It was so special and I did cry!  The ceremony was neat and so different...the beauty of homeschooling!  There were four graduates.  Each of them gave a speech, the dads gave a speech, picture slide shows and Laura's youth pastor spoke.  Laura looked so beautiful and so mature.  Maybe I cried because it made me feel so old.  Ha, not really.  I am so proud of her and their family.  After the reception we headed back to my parents' house.  My aunt and cousin were there, then later more cousins and my uncle came.  I hadn't seen those cousins in 12 years!  Wow!  But they all looked great and really looked the same...except for my 2nd cousin.  She is all grown up now.  She's a darling girl who was there in the area to play a golf tournament.  We spent some time with them and headed home.  We arrived here after 11.  A and E fell asleep, Samuel no sleepy but did great again.  Here are pictures!

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