Monday, July 13, 2009

The Weekend

It was another nice weekend.  I did end up going to the doctor on Saturday.  I am being treated for bronchitis.  The worst of my complaints are the chest aches and pains.  It's really kind of strange!  I know a lot of people with pneumonia.  I was afraid of that!  I did some shopping on Saturday and got some  rest.  Chad and I watched a movie together in our own living room.  It's been way too long for that!  I rested while watching lots of crazy tickling, daddy standing his head to make the boys laugh, daddy flipping the boys on the couch, and all sorts of crazy stuff.  I told Chad it really looked like a circus in our living room!

I hosted a baby shower Sunday for a sweet gal at church.  We had it at her parents' house - the resort place we swim!  We had a fun time with lots of ladies from the church.  Here's the beautiful pregnant lady standing in just a third of that amazing kitchen (that I pretended was mine while cooking in it for the shower!).

preg sarah

We are going camping this week.  I am super excited and nervous at the same time.  I have never tent camped.  The thought of us all in one camp both thrills me and scares me.  :)  We will camping right beside some good friends.  Fun!  I spent a lot of today making stuff for that and getting ready.  We had some friends over this evening for dessert to discuss the many church happenings that are coming up.  Ethan had to show off his new trick!!  He is riding without training wheels now. I can hardly believe it.  But Daddy got him really going after dinner tonight.  I have a great video to post somehow, but for now here is a cute pic of my little bear.

ethan big boy

1 comment:

Montica said...

How was your tent camping experience? We always tent camped for years when the kids were tiny and had lots of fun with it.