Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Middle of the week already?

It's hard to believe it is Wednesday already!  I haven't been around for a few days.

We had a great weekend.  It was an exhausting one, but full of fun.  We so enjoyed our visitors from Arkansas.  It's so neat how being friends in the Lord can keep hearts together.  It's like we hadn't been away for 4 years.  And it made me long for that little haven in Arkansas where we all grew so much.

School has been going pretty well.  We are continuing our study of Egypt and plugging away at all the other lessons.  I haven't been feeling that great.  It's hard trying to fit it all in a day when momma doesn't feel good!  Maybe I just have a lot of lost sleep to make up for.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any great pictures from our visit with friends.  :(  Here are some  other misc. pictures from the last few days...

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1 comment:

Mom said...

A belated Happy Birthday to Jack from us.