Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Weekend

It was a pretty low-key weekend.  We didn't do much, and that was nice.

Friday we went swimming again.  It was so nice.   Our friends will have the pool open through October.  So as along as it's warm outside and 86 in the pool, we are there at least once a week!  Tomorrow is the first official day of fall.  I am in major denial that it really is coming, although I really do enjoy the season.  Friday evening we went to Lowe's and spent way too much time there.  We did get a kitchen faucet that Chad put in on Saturday.  I love it and didn't realize just how much I really needed a new one!  We also got the recessed lighting for the family room.  I can't wait to see those go up!  Chad also put in some more shelving in A & E's room.  They thought it was their new bunkbeds.  :)  I have it looking a whole lot more organized in there.  I am tossing around Andrew's wish for a Nascar room.  #24 and #48  I think I can pull it off...maybe that will be a winter project.  Saturday evening we went to a friend's for a get together they had outside.  It was really nice. It always fun to see our 6 boys playing together.  They are all so much alike.  Kinda scary!!

Sunday we enjoyed church services, as always.  We went running around a couple of places after church.  Then we had a visit from Mamaw and Papaw.  Then last night I went shopping to a few places for some school stuff.  I teach our co-op this Wednesday.  It's been fun planning it.  We are studying Egypt because of our field trip to the Children's Museum next week.  They have a neat King Tut exhibit for a time.  I made some Gebna Makleyah.  It's an Egyptian snack made with Feta cheese.  We weren't crazy about it, so I am going with some Ghreyba (an Egyptian cookie).  We are also studying Egypt for these next 2 weeks at home.  I better run and shower so we can get on our "magic carpet" to fly into that country and get started on our work!

Have a blessed week!  Shine His Light, for the next person you meet might need to meet Christ.


Montica said...

Nathan went to see the King Tut exhibit with his class a few weeks ago and he LOVED it. I really wanted to go, but they didn't need any chaperones for that trip. :( I don't know how much longer they are going to have it there. I love all the neat things the Children's Museum has.

Have a fun trip, I know the boys will love it.

sarahssweeties said...

Thanks! And we get in free with our co-op group! Yippee! Andrew is really fascinated with this whole mummification process.