Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random Thursday Thoughts

A sweet lady in Kroger the other night felt sorry for me.  I hate it when people feel sorry for me that I have three boys.  I love it that I have three boys.  But that night I felt sorry for myself.  They were being so wild and embarrassing!  The lady really was nice and offered me the free bread from her BOGO sale.  She had me follow her in line to make sure I got it.  That was very kind of her.  I want to do such things for young moms one day.  I would love to go behind someone and just pay the bill.  That would be so fun to do.  I'm gonna do it when I have more money.  Right now, it's still size 6 diapers that are draining my wallet.  Ha.

I love hearing Ethan's scratchy and deep little morning voice ask me, "Can I have some chocolate milk please beautiful mommy?"  It's funny how we joked about them doing that a few years ago and they still do it.  And it works.  :)

I'm proud of my 4 pints of salsa and 4 pints of chili/soup base I made this evening from fresh tomatoes.  I plan to freeze them and use them this winter.

I'm so ready for my hubby to come home from his trip to VA.  It's a good thing he gets in late tonight!  He plans to go into work a little late tomorrow.  He has compasses for our little explorers that will be "galloping the globe" this year.

And lastly, I'm more aware these last few weeks how precious life really is.  I had a good friend lose a baby to miscarriage.  That must be so incredibly hard.  I can't imagine the pain.  Another good friend of mine went through a "code blue" during a procedure to determine an illness that has had her down for the last couple of months.  Her heart paused for 10 seconds.  She later remembered the smile on her face, the peace and warmth her body felt.  Wow.  I can't stop thinking about how she was in the very presence of the Lord during that time.  And so I am thankful for them and just how sacred life is.  Our lives are a gift from God to be given back to Him.  Please pray for the both of them during this time of healing.



Montica said...

I just wanted to comment on how you said that someday you would like to go behind someone and pay the bill at the grocery store. I just love to help people and that is something I would love to do as well and will someday we were are debt free!! But until then we have to live like no one else so later we can LIVE LIKE NO ONE ELSE! I know that you have taken Dave Ramseys course and so have we.

We think about all the things that we can do with our money someday that will glorify god. But until that day comes we just do little things that make us and god smile.

Hope you have a great weekend!

sarahssweeties said...

Amen, Sister! Let's keep each other accountable when we are living like no one else someday! :)

Mom said...

Enjoyed reading your blog. Have a wondferful week!