Thursday, September 3, 2009

Random Thursday Thoughts

I'm ready to go back to bed already and it's not even noon!  I got up early to run to the store while Chad was still home.  I have made 3 batches of icing, a batch of cupcakes and a batch of cinnamon rolls.  The cupcakes are for the co-op part tonight, the cinnamon rolls are for a friend Chad works with and the extra batch of icing is for the cupcakes I am making to take to the family picnic this weekend.  I also cut 2 little boy heads.  Whewww.

The shelves we are making for school organization are just about done.  And so that means once they are done I will put the final touches on our school "area" and be ready to start next week.  I am little anxious about it, but learning more each day to walk by faith.

I love our home and the stage of life we are in.  God has truly blessed us and I try to be thankful for every single blessing.  Like most, I go through times of ungratefulness and frustration at what I don't have or the bad day I had with 3 young boys.  But all in all, I couldn't ask for more.

I am not proud, yet not ashamed of the fact that the new phrase in my boy household happens to be "tootin' bootie".

I love having the windows open.  The fall breeze with a little last summer sun is so relaxing to me.  I am a little irritated, though, that sickness from last year is coming back in some ways.  I wonder if it could be part of the change of seasons.  But I know a lot is hormone issues and also still diet related.  I am hoping to gather some more insights about it all soon.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I really do believe that some health problems are caused by the changing into the fall season. Too many people are affected for there not to be some truth to that.
I am like you, I have always tried to be so thankful for what I have. If it would be taken away from me, my prayer is that it wouldn't be because I didn't appreciate what God has blessed me with.