Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our South Africa Studies

We had a fun time studying the country of South Africa these last 2 weeks.  Some fun things we did were:

Read all kinds of books about South Africa and Elephants.  Some of the favorites were Little Big Ears, My Painted House, My Friendly Chicken and Me, Hello World, Elephant Familes, and South Africa.

Created an Elephant lapbook

elephant lapbook cover

elephant lapbook

Made African Necklaces out of straws and construction paper

african necklace

Painted the country's flag

andrew painting sa flag

Made Elephant Ears - Andrew's been begging for these since his trip to the fair!  They really enjoyed these.  The recipe made so many that we passed them out to all the neighbors.  Look at all that powdered sugar Ethan put on there!

elephant ears

Watched Elephant Tales DVD from Redbox

We are off to Japan tomorrow.  That should be a fun one, too!  Please say a prayer that we can get started right.  I feel like I am coming down with something.  I have had a cough for a month now...just at night and in the mornings.  I woke up feeling pretty crummy this morning, so I didn't go to church.  This evening my chest has really been hurting.  Bleh!


Mom said...

Sounds like you all have had a lot of fun.
Will be praying that you will be feeling better real soon.

Bekah said...

Can you send me an e-mail with the recipe for those elephant ears. I haven't had those in years and up north we get them at the fair with Cinnamon and Sugar, YUMMY!

sarahssweeties said...

It's linked on my page, but I can email you. For some reason I don't have your email in my contacts! We have switched computers a few times.