Monday, November 9, 2009

Our Japan Studies

We took 3 weeks to study the country of Japan.  There was so much to learn and do that I couldn't cut it short to fit it into just 2 weeks!

A good friend of mine lived in Japan for 6 years.  She was able to help me a lot.  We visited a fun Japanese market in Indy.  We brought back all sorts of fun things to try!  The boys loved the drinks you see here.  They come in a glass bottle with a marble in the top.  Sounds strange, I know.  But it's cool.  You'll have to try them sometime!  Also, the whistle candies were a hit.

japanese food

Discovery Education video clips on Japan, including "Yoshi, the Lantern Maker" and Yoko Videos.  One Yoko cartoon was about a Japanese toy called a Taketombo.  The boys loved it and wanted one, but I didn't know where to find such a thing.  When we went to the Halloween party where we have co-op, guess what they received?!  We had a lot of fun with it and thanked God for this little gift He gave to us.  I love witnessing God do such precious things for my children.  I love the love they see that God has for them.

We painted Japan's flag and also a Japanese fan.  They are always up for painting!

We made Yaki-Soba.  We loved it.  The kids liked it ok.  At least they ate it!  And then they laughed at their new name for it...Yucky Soba!

yaki sobaWe also made Soba noodles.  The boys just loved eating the raw buckwheat noodles!

Japanese Wood Block Printing didn't turn out that great, but we had fun doing it!

japanese woodblock

We practiced some Origami.  We spent half of a day having fun with that!  One of our favorites that we worked on together was the Fox Box from this book.  Ethan put a little Reese Cup inside to surprise Daddy.

fox box

We read about Hiaku Poems.  The book said not to focus on the 17 syllables, but to focus on simple 3-line poem about nature.  So that's what we did.  This one Andrew's first one:

Leaves wiggling.

Tree lost its leaves.

The woodpecker pecks.

Some literature favorites were:  Little Oh, The Boy of the Three Year Nap, Grandfather's Journey, and A Carp for Kimoko.

We made a volcano using a kit here.  The kids loved this YouTube video on volcanoes.

We are trying to get started this Monday morning.  We will be headed to India this afternoon. :)

We had a fun weekend.  It was absolutely gorgeous!  Chad's mom took A & E, so we had somewhat of a quiet Saturday evening.  We rented a really cute movie.  It was a chic flic  since Chad was long overdue for one!  Last night we had a get together here with 3 other couples and their kiddos.  I had a meeting to attend at church and didn't get back until everyone was already here.  I am so thankful for such great girlfriends that took over in the kitchen!  We had a great time just being together.  It was the perfect night for a campfire.


Amber said...

Food looks yummy..I would eat it :)

Melanie said...

Thanks for having us---you can come take over my kitchen next though. ;-)