Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Serious Breakthrough!

My little Sam man went poo on the toilet!  Yes, I am blogging about it.  I'm not sure what got into him, but I am sure glad it did!  After bath this evening he wanted to put some underwear on.  I talked him into trying to go potty and he tried, but nothing.  We all sat down to watch a movie.  Chad had made popcorn in our air popper and the boys were happy with their cream sodas.  (Daddy had a craving for it, so I stopped and picked some up!)  All of a sudden he says, "I don't want to potty in my underwears."  So cute.  So Chad ran him to the bathroom and he did it!   This is a HUGE WOW!  I sure hope he continues tomorrow.  He was so very proud.  He did a whole lot of laughing and jumping around.  Momma and brothers were just as happy for him.  So tomorrow he gets to go pick out a tractor with Daddy!


M. Smith ;) said...

YAY SAMUEL!!!!!! He's such a big boy!!!

Amber said...

Way to go!! This is something to blog about for sure!