Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A great Thanksgiving Weekend

This one was one of the best Thanksgivings.  Maybe it's because I just really stopped and realized how thankful and how very blessed we are.  We were surrounded by so many people we love, and who love us back.

Grandma and Grandpa came Thursday early afternoon.  The boys were so excited to see them at our front door!  We had such a nice and relaxing visit.  It's always great to have your parents in your home!  My dinner turned out well.  I did completely forget to serve the corn casserole, but it made for a good leftover!  We watched a neat movie called "An Old Fashion Thanksgiving" Thursday night.  Friday my mom and I went shopping.  We started out at 8 and still were able to score some of the deals without getting out at 5.  Although, I know if I would have wanted to get out at 5, my mom would have been right there with me!  We had such a fun time together.  It was just like old times.

The boys wore them out.  Grandma and Grandpa is always good for loving, playing and more loving.  They played hide and seek, London bridge, laughed at funny drawings, wrestled, and had lots of cuddles. That's what I love about my mom and dad...the way they really play with my boys.  It's such a joy to watch.

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Saturday we went to Chad's mom's for her Thanksgiving dinner.  We had a nice time there, as we always do.  It was fun watching all the precious children playing together.

Sunday we went to church.  We had nursery during the service.  I was in heaven holding a 3 week old baby boy!  Holding him made me even more thankful and more aware of how precious life is.  After church we headed to Chad's dad's.  A lot of family gathered for another time of sweet fellowship.  And speaking of sweet, how 'bout them Colts?!?  :)

Praying you had a thankful and memorable Thanksgiving!  It's so hard to believe it's December 1st!

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