Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our Weekend

Another weekend in December is behind us.  In so many ways, I hate that!  It all goes by too quickly.

Friday evening we went to a friend's house for dinner.  Her and I went shopping and then went to the church to decorate the fellowship hall.  It looked so good!  We did a blue and silver theme with snowflake lights, etc.  So pretty and wintery!  It was great to spend some time with her again.

Saturday was a busy day of a little bit of everything.  I had a dentist appointment at 810.  Yes, Chad didn't have to take off work, which is why I did it on a Saturday.  But a dental appointment on an early Saturday morning?  No more of that.  I missed Saturday morning cuddle time with the boys in our bed and fixing pancakes.  Not worth it to me, and I think Chad would agree!  Then we all went to Lowe's to their little Build and Grow workshop.  The boys made cute ornaments.  They really enjoy doing those workshops and would be there every Saturday if it were up to them!  Last week was the gingerbread house that they really loved.    Chad had a meeting at 12 with some church folks.  Then I had a hair appointment.  It feels so good to have it all trimmed up.'s amazing what that can do!  I went around town shopping a bit.  It was crazy busy.  That evening we went to a neighbor's church for their "Night in Bethlehem" Christmas program.  It was really a neat thing they did.  We toured all around the church going to different stations.  We collected different pieces to a little wooden nativity.  We had a nice time.

I had sugar cookies to make for our Christmas program at our church.  So I spent Saturday night doing that until late.  It really got me in the Christmas mood icing cookies with the tree on and Christmas music playing.  Sunday we had a great day.  Our program was lovely and the dessert fellowship was a ton of fun.  We had lots and lots of goodies there.  We also did some Christmas karaoke which had us all laughing on the floor!  I love our church family.  We really are like family.

So that was our weekend!  I have a lot to do this week...just little things like getting my cards out, putting gifts together, and odd and ends of things like that.

Chad works through Thursday this week, and then is off for the rest of the year.  Oh my, what am I going to do with him.  Hee, hee.  I will love it, of course.  He's has lots to do, including a wooden toy excavator to make for the boys for Christmas.  He made the crane last year and they loved it!

Have a blessed week!

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