Monday, February 8, 2010

Our Weekend

What a great weekend it was!  The snow did come in on Friday, but that didn't stop me and two other friends from getting to the women's conference!  It was an adventure getting out in the bad weather, but I knew we needed to go!  Our interim pastor's wife was able to take care of our ticket to go.  So we had to make it!!!

We attended the worship service on Friday and Saturday.  They were incredible.  They had a super fun theme - Designed With Style.  They gave us cute little bags with goodies in them.

Let me share some of what I learned in the 5 workshops I attended on Saturday...

Designer Lenses - The study was based on the book Respectable Sins.  She tied that into our theme to say that we are more concerned about what our frames look like than what our lenses see.  The Bible says that all sins are equal in God's eyes.  There are those "big sins" that we talk about, but we try to overlook the more subtle, deceptive sins in our lives.  That one was good.

Party With a Purpose - This study was with the main speaker during the worship services.  She was so much fun!  I enjoyed this one so much because I love to party!  We discussed how to use hospitality evangelism to reach others.  We have friends over quite a bit, but this workshop encouraged me to try and reach out to those outside our family and church family, too.

Making Your Home a Place of Worship - This was a parenting workshop.  The speaker was so neat and full of knowledge.  She has been through a lot and currently has 3 teenagers.  Our goal is to raise godly men, and this was a great encouragement for that.  The speaker stressed the importance of laying the foundation, raising our children to know God for themselves, not just what we tell them.  She has some great stories.  It was a joy to sit under her teaching.

Marriage Is No Fairy Tale -Although I think it is for me, this was a neat theme to this workshop on marriage.  The speaker was very real and encouraging on how we are to be the wife God wants us to be.  I loved her stories and appreciated her scriptural knowledge on the subject.  I left encouraged to love my Chad even more!

There is so much more I could share!!  I am just so glad we went.

I came home ready to kiss my hubby and hug my boys.  Andrew asked me what I did there.  I told him that I learned more about Jesus, and learned how to be a better wife and a better mommy.  He says, "I'm really glad you went!"  Haha!  Isn't that hilarious!  Apparently I have some work to do!!

We had a great church service on Sunday.  Our interim pastor preached on "Real Worship".  I was just getting fed all kinds this weekend.  Between all this and the Beth Moore study, wheww!  I'm so blessed all at once.  God is on the move in my heart!

Sunday afternoon we headed to Chad's dad's to watch the Super Bowl.  Our poor Colts didn't win it, but we love them anyhow.  I made a cake and Chad did most of the decorating.  I told him he might have found his new calling, heehee.

More snow is coming in tonight and all day tomorrow.  I think we will begin our study on polar bears.  Yes, I planned that! And maybe we'll make some sugar cookies and have some hot chocolate.  Goodnight!

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