Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our Weekend

It was another fairly quiet one. Friday evening we watched some friends' kiddos while they went on a date.  Their little girl called it "vacation" that her parents were on. :)  We got pizza, watched a movie, had popcorn.  It was a nice relaxing evening.  Saturday Chad took Andrew and Ethan to the Lowe's Build and Grow clinic where they made a cute #48 Lowebot.  They loved that.  I went grocery shopping Saturday afternoon.  We went to a friends' house Saturday evening.  We had a blast together.  It was so nice to see them and catch up.  We had decided that we both weren't cooking...we were just getting together with no stress.  So we ordered pizza and I even bought a dessert!  Oh my!  But it felt good.  It was good therapy for me, haha.  They are those kind of friends that you can just be completely yourself and relax.  I love that about them.  Sunday was church and a lot of nothing the rest of the day, besides going back to Bible Drill.  So a good weekend.

So I totally didn't start our study on Mexico last week.  I haven't been feeling well at all due to this lovely tooth infection.  I am hoping to start it this week, but that may not happen either!  Andrew is doing an art class three days this week.  We have something going on every evening this week.  Plus, I'm considering a trip to Ohio.  We are missing Grandma and Grandpa over here.  So we just might wait another week for Mexico.  I'm completely fine with that.  It also gives me more time to prepare!  We did do a whole lot of Uno, Candy Land, Puppy Pal Bingo and Moon Sand playing last week.  The Moon Sand makes me crazy looking at the mess it makes, but I enjoy seeing them have so much fun with it!

Please pray for our church as we bring in a pastoral candidate this week!

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