Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Friday

It has been a good Friday.  Chad is off today.  His dad came to help Chad with a roof project. Chad let Andrew and Ethan experience the roof.  They loved it!  Of course they did...they are boys!  I had to take this picture before I threw up.  I was quite nervous about it!

It's Papaw's birthday today.  We gave him his gift and I made him his strawberry pie to take home.    Happy Birthday Pappy!  We love you so much!

I just posted the recipe on my other blog.

I am getting ready for Andrew's 7th birthday party that's tomorrow evening.  It looks like a storm is coming in the morning and then more rain later tomorrow evening.  So I am hopeful we will have just enough time to have the party outdoors!  It's a Nascar theme.  That's been pretty fun to plan!  I always do my most creative things at the last minute.  I went shopping for some of the grocery stuff.  We are ordering Papa John's, so the food part will be super easy for me!  There will be a dozen kids here.  I really need to have good weather!  I do have the garage cleaned out and ready to go if we need to use that for some games or something.

I will be back on in a couple of days to post some birthday pics.  I can't believe my baby is 7!!

Have a great weekend y'all!

1 comment:

Corina said...

Um, yeah, the roof would've made me very nervous, too! I know your boys loved it, just like mine would've, but I would've been a nervous wreck the whole time.
My "baby" reminded me just today that in a month or so he'll be 7. I told him he can't be that old, so he can just stay 6! He just laughed at me. They grow up SO fast.