Monday, April 12, 2010

Our weekend

We had a fun weekend away.  We went to Ohio to see my family and to attend a homeschool convention.  We had a great time.  We loved seeing all our family again. It was nice going back to my home church again and seeing lots of familiar faces.  We had an Easter gathering at my brother's.  We had a fun time, as usual, just being together.  It was also a sweet time of fellowship as we each read a passage from Isaiah 53.  We joined hands and prayed together right in the middle of their lawn.  I'll never forget that moment.

I didn't take a whole of pictures this time.  I think we were so busy with the convention and just exhausted in general that I didn't think too much of it.  :(  Here are a few...

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My mom made Samuel a cape.  I think it fits him a little too well!  He flew all around her house.  We all got a kick out of watching him.  They loved spending time with Grandma and Grandpa while we were gone.  My sister, niece and I had some good bonding time.

The convention was really good.  We heard a lot of well known speakers and visited a whole lot of vendors in the exhibit hall.  It was all very encouraging.  There are so many resources available now.  The possibilities are endless and somewhat overwhelming!  We were able to meet some of the speakers personally. I count it as such a blessing that are a homeschooling family.  I love it and wouldn't have it any other way.  It's a lot  of work, no doubt.  But it's so worth it!

We went to Ikea.  I got some storage stuff to work on projects this summer.  Yippee!

I also had a great conversation with my older brother today who wasn't with us this weekend.  I love him so much.  We have lived so far apart for so long, but I always look to him as a father figure.  I need to keep in better contact with them.  I really need to visit them!  And I am so glad he's finally reading my blog now!

We spent all day today outside.  I moved some plants around.  The boys helped me with their new little garden tools.  We managed to get our school done.  I tell ya, it's going to be hard to stay focused from here on out!  We might do a weather/storms study.  I asked Andrew what he would like to lapbook about and that was his idea.  So I will try to pull some things together for that.

Have a great week!

Isaiah 53:5

He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was
bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.

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