Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break Day 6

It's nearing the end of our week.  How sad.  It's been so much fun.  We do still have the weekend, so I will savor it!

Today I got up early and went to a few stores shopping for Easter and birthday gifts.  It was nice to get out before everyone else did.  I think Chad enjoyed seeing me get up before him!  I got home around 10.  Papaw came around 11.  We hung out for a bit and then went downtown to the Imax to see the movie How To Train Your Dragon.  It was so much fun!

It was a beautiful day, so we went out and walked around the canal.  It's so pretty out there.  The city was hopping because of the weather paired with the NCAA game downtown this weekend.

This evening I took Samuel to get his hair cut.  Before and after pics...

We went a couple of places and then picked up some pizzas and headed home.  Half the neighborhood was out when I got home.  I told them all I wish I would have picked up 5 or 6 pizzas!  We did feed some of them with what we had!  We hung outside just chatting and talking together the rest of the evening.  I love our neighborhood!  Part of the fun is the fact that we have the only little kids besides one other 4 year old Samuel.  But on our court, my kids are adored and get all kinds of attention!  :)  They love their new blue sand!

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