Friday, April 16, 2010

Trees, Birds and Fireflies

This past weekend in Ohio my boys enjoyed playing something as simple as a rope hung in tree.  So we got one today while at Lowe's.  They had a great time being pulled up into one of our big trees out back.

We put in a bird feeder post.  The boys were watching pretty carefully!  This is one of favorite things to do in nature...bird watching.  We are going through the book Birds, Nest & Eggs that I got from the convention.  We have male and female birds of all kinds out here.  Cardinals, Gold Finch and Woodpeckers are among our favorites.  We have swallow eggs in another birdhouse.

The fireflies aren't out yet.  The bug kind, anyway.  But Chad's firefly is a flyin' and the boys love it.  He cut the airplane out of foam and decorated it.  The design was my idea.  Isn't it pretty?!  And aren't they cute?!

See a short video here!

So lots of fun outdoors this week!

1 comment:

Corina said...

What fun! My guys would so love the rope swing....and the airplane! Great boy stuff! : )