Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our weekend

We had a wonderful weekend.  It started off early.  We skipped school altogether on Friday.  Andrew was ready for a break, and so was I.  I tried to get it done in the morning, but met quite a bit of opposition.  So I thought we could go get my haircut and come straight home and get 'er done.  The minute I got us all in the van, I was ready for something altogether different.  I was in a mood!  I got my haircut and Andrew's too, while we were there (I was tired of Andrew's hair being a mess and he hates fixing it).  Then we went for a car wash (I was sick of my van being so dirty).  We went to the church and set up the tables for Sunday's lunch (I thought I would go ahead and get that done while we were out). We went to Target and got new shoes for Andrew and Ethan.  (I was really tired of their shoes being so ugly).  I stopped and got a PM pizza for dinner and headed home right about the time Chad was coming home (Because I wasn't about to cook).  Glad that day was over.  Wheww.

Saturday Chad helped a lady from church move.  He also ran some errands.  He picked up a load of compost for the garden.  The boys went straight out to help weed and unload the dirt.  We hope to have a better garden this year.  Our strawberries are doing well!

We had some friends over that evening for dinner.  We grilled out some yummy chicken, made a salad, potato casserole and some rolls.  I also made a fancy ice cream dessert in these:

See my Recipe Blog for the chicken and dessert recipes!

Sunday was the best day of the weekend!  Our pastoral candidate and his family came.  They gave their testimonies during the Sunday School hour.  He preached during the service.  We all went downstairs for Qdoba lunch.  We came back upstairs and had a Q & A time with the pastor.  Then we voted him in.  And he accepted!!  So it's an exciting time in the life of our church!  I really like him.  I really like his wife.  And get this, they have 3 boys!!  In talking to him, we realize what a small world it is.  He went to college and is good friends with several of the guys that were in my high school youth group.  So that was a neat connection!  We so look forward to what the Lord has in store for us.  God is good!

We got home around 3.  We got to rest a bit before we headed over to a friend's house.  They had us and 2 other couples from church.  It was a great time together, partly a celebration for what had just happened early that day.  I love my church family.  I have such true friendships there.

1 comment:

Carrie Ray said...

God is truly faithful! All praise be to Him! I'm so thankful to hear about your new pastor and family! I miss you more than you could know!