Monday, May 17, 2010

Our Weekend

We had an enjoyable weekend here!

Friday was our last day of school.  Hooray!  Andrew finished with another 100% on his spelling test.  He had a great year, and I am really proud of him!  It's amazing to see how far he has come since the beginning of the school year.  We did Horizons for our Language Arts, Math and Penmanship.  We used Galloping the Globe and studied several countries.  We did some fun unit studies.  We checked about 161 library books (and used a ton we have here).  So lots of great learning happened.  Ethan basically went through an unofficial year of preschool.  He is all kinds of ready to begin kindergarten next year.  He's a bright boy who has soaked up a whole lot this year.  Samuel will be doing some preschool next year.  He has also picked up a lot this last year.  So we will be taking some break, doing some fun unit studies and getting ready for next year!

We met Daddy for lunch and did some running around that afternoon.  Friday evening we went to Papaw and Nana's house to visit.  We took Nana her Mother's Day gift.  We got pizza and enjoyed spending time together.  We even hung out in the RV, getting excited about camping season!

Saturday morning I got up and did some grocery shopping and garage saling.  I love going to garage sales!  I was able to get some nice things, including my super deal at the one I went to on Friday...a deep freezer!  Ours went out a couple weeks ago.  So the Lord led me to this one.  It was just for us!  What a blessing!  Saturday afternoon we went to the RC field for their Fly-In and picnic.  That is always fun for the boys, especially my big boy!  I love to see him doing things he enjoys.  Mamaw and Papaw came for dinner Saturday evening.  We had a  fun and relaxing visit with them.

Sunday after church we went out to eat and then to Lowe's. We got our garden goodies and came home and put them in.  It's a full one this year.  We dedicated it to the Lord and praying it will do well!

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