Monday, June 7, 2010

Our Weekend

I loved this weekend.  It was so laid back, and so beautiful!

Mamaw came Friday evening for pizza.  We had a nice visit.  Andrew has become quite the photographer!  Here's a good one he took while she was here...

We finished painting the living room!  I sent Mamaw on a mission to find some pillows to go in there.  She found some already on Saturday!  I knew she would!  I have lots to do to accent the room, so slowly I will get it to where I want it.  I'm just glad to have it done and all cleaned up!  Chad worked on several little projects around the house.  The boys played all day outside.

After a long day of work around the house, we were all happy to pile on the couch with some popcorn.  We watched The Tooth Fairy.  Cute movie!

Sunday was a good day at church.  It was our interim pastor's last day.  Our new pastor comes the 20th!!  We celebrated the Lord's Supper, family style.  Pastor John had each family come up one at a time.  It was really special.

Sunday afternoon we just hung around home.  I made some more Grandma Jelly since we were out.  My boys won't eat anything else!  I'm not surprised that they love it so much.  It always shocks me at the amount of sugar you put in that stuff!  But we never use much.  A little goes a long way on a PB&J!

We went to a birthday party/cookout Sunday evening.  We had a great time of fellowship with them.  And she always lays out quite the spread!

Here's the birthday gal with her momma...

It is a gorgeous day here.  I have all kinds of things on my "to do" list this Monday afternoon!  Have a fantastic week!

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