Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Weekend

We had a pretty quiet weekend around here!

Most of Friday was spent running around with Papaw You Betcha.  Then late that afternoon, I took the boys to Chad's mom's to spend the night.  I came back home and enjoyed an evening with my Honey.  We had dinner and went running around a bit.  We stayed up way too late watching the movie, The Blind Side, and just enjoying the quiet house.  We got up late and decided to head to the church for some work that needed to be done.  We did some sprucing up before our new pastor and his family come in this coming weekend!!  I did some yard work and set up the fellowship hall.  We came home and hung around until about 5:00 when the boys came home.  They had a great time!

Sunday was a great day at church.  One of our friends from church preached his first sermon and did a wonderful job!  We came home for lunch, I ran a few errands, and then we headed to Melanie's house to do some work.  Two other couples from church were there.  We had such a fun time of fellowship together.  It's just a shame that we have to have such fun when one of our buds in the group is about to move away.  There are always great memories that come from being with her, and for that I am thankful.

Today I had six boys.  A crazy but fun day.  My boys have now fallen victim to the "Silly Bandz" which I can completely understand the name now.  Silly, but cute.  It is just weird looking down at the dinner table tonight to see three boys with arms full of bracelets.  At least they are boy style...armed forces, construction and tools.  We had some more storms roll through tonight.  After that, some odd colored skies and one amazing rainbow.  Andrew and Chad ran out first.  The other two boys were in the tub.  I ran in and grabbed their little tails up out of the water, wrapped them up, and took them out to see it.  They thought I was crazy, but then they were glad I did.

Have a blessed week, y'all.  May you find rest in God's promises tonight.  I know I sure have.

1 comment:

Lindsay @ Bytes of Memory said...

What an amazing rainbow picture!!