Monday, August 2, 2010

Our Weekend

Friday we spent the day swimming.  So we had Daddy bring a pizza home and watched a movie.  Then I went shopping around town for a few things.  Chad finished our headboard.  I will post a picture soon!

Saturday Chad got up early to do some work at a friend's house.  Our pastor's two boys came to play while their parents went house hunting.  They all did great and had a good time together.  They came back around dinner time, so we all went to the Mexican restaurant and had dinner together.  We really enjoyed spending some time with them.  We had a delicious dinner with our 6 boys!  Chad went into Lowe's for a couple of things. I asked him to check the clearance paint because I was hoping to find a deal for A & E's room.  Well, God provided!!!  It was the gray color I wanted for their Star Wars room.  And it was $5!  And get this!  A $5 rebate printed out on the receipt!  What a blessing!  So I will be getting that project underway soon.

Sunday was a wonderful Lord's Day at church.  At the end of service, we voted on whether or not to move locations and it passed!  We are super excited about what's to come for our church.  God is moving us and we are ready!

Right after church we headed to Chad's mom's family reunion.  It's held at Chad's old elementary school.  The boys always love playing basketball and skating in the gym.  Here they are!

Andrew has basketball camp this week.  I have a lot I would like to get done.  I'm really going to try and stay focused!  I want to enjoy the rest of August, having lots of summer fun.  But I also have a lot I want to get done around here to gear up for school.  So I pray we both have a good week, spending our time wisely.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.   Matthew 6:33

1 comment:

Corina said...

Awesome about the paint - what a blessing!! Can't wait to see the Star Wars room. My guys would LOVE that, but it's their 2nd love after baseball (which is how their room is decorated!).