Monday, August 30, 2010

Our Weekend

We had such a nice and relaxing weekend!  I love weekends like this!

Chad took off a half day on Friday.  It was a gorgeous day to.  We went over to his dad's to help him get his little car ready to sell.  It shined up nicely.  It was a fantastic playground for my boys!

We hung out there until way after bedtime.  It was a nice and relaxing time.  I always enjoy being over there with his dad and stepmom.  You always feel like you can just be yourself.  Nana fixed a yummy dinner, too, with a raspberry crisp to die for.  I'm going to do something with the ones Ethan picked soon!

Saturday we just messed around the house most of the day.  Chad made this and hung it on my island this weekend.  Simple, yet so handy.  I always have something on the corner of the counter.  This will hold my planner and books we are reading at meal time during school.

We made some fun blocks made from sticks.  Like most boys, mine love sticks!  I find them all over the place...even inside.  So we made some fun with them with this idea from Counting Coconuts.  I love her website and want to do more from it!

I made us a nice picnic lunch.  We went to the park and enjoyed the lovely evening together.  Then we went for ice cream!

Sunday was another blessed time at our church.  Our pastor preached an encouraging message on faith.  It was what I needed to hear to remind me, but also to use as an encouragement to others.  We spent the rest of the day at home just playing around.  It was pretty warm, so we stayed in quite a bit.  I made pizza on the grill and we watched Alice In Wonderland.  The old one, not that new one.  Andrew was glad it wasn't the new one because he thought that one looked scary.  I love the old movies.  Can't beat 'em.  Sunday evening we hung out on the porch.  We all loved on Oliver, and visited with our neighbor gals.  I also called my momma and had a good chat with her.  We came in and put the kids to bed.  I listened to a sermon on-line that my brother preached last Sunday.  It was very good.  I"m so proud of that boy and love him so much.  I need to see them soon!

It's going to be a hot week.  We are determined to swim at least a couple of times this week before school starts the next!


Lindsay @ BytesOfMemory said...

What a fun weekend! I love those relaxing ones! We had one of those busy weekends full of lots of fun but felt like we didn't get much of a chance to connect! :-)

sara's art house said...

This is so neat that I saw your stick blocks! We just went to the science museum and they had blocks made from sticks and my kids LOVED them and I wanted to make our own. Now that I see yours- I am totally inspired!