Monday, September 6, 2010

Our First Day of School!

We started school today!!  I like having Daddy here on our first day, even if it is Labor Day! We did the same thing last year and it worked well.

Here are my little sweeties...

We had a super fun treasure hunt ready for them after breakfast.

This was their directions:

We packed everything in our treasure box we always use for school rewards.  The treasure contained all kinds of fun things like school supplies, Star Wars toys and ring pops!

Chad spray painted a really neat looking compass on the ground (with correct direction).  I took pictures of it, but it just didn't show up in the picture well with all the sunshine and dead grass!

We put these little clue boxes at each marker.  Andrew read off the directions, they stepped it out and found each box.  The clue was the numbers.  So Ethan wrote the numbers out on a clipboard.  They gathered each clue in the correct order, wrote the numbers in the boxes and matched it with the "code" on the treasure box.  It unlocked!

They had a great time.  We enjoyed watching them.

We made it through our school work.  Of course, it was the bare minimum.  But it was a good start.  It's going to take us some time to get set in a routine.

We celebrate the holiday this evening with some friends over.  We grilled some burgers and hot dogs and had lots of other good food that everyone pitched in.  We even had a fire and made smores.  Great times.

I am posting my files for the treasure hunt so you can do your own!

Treasure Hunt key

Treasure Hunt Directions


Corina said...

OH, how fun!!! My boys LOVE treasure hunts - what an awesome way to start the new year! And your guys are so handsome!

vicki said...

What a great idea for their first day of school. You are such a blessing to those boys! Good luck on your first week of school.

Jessica said...

What a wonderful idea!! It looks like so much fun. Thank-you for sharing the files (how do you get those to pop up so nicely??)!! I pray your year will go really well!

sarahssweeties said...

Ok, I fixed the blank copy to actually be blank now! Do you mean the files to pop up?

Michelle said...

What a wonderful way to start off your school year! Love, love, love the treasure hunt! =) Hope you have a great school year!