Monday, November 30, 2009

Our India Studies

I should have posted this last week, but I had too much to do!  We studied the country of India for 2 weeks in November.

We began our trip to India by watching Global Wonders India.

The boys painted the flag of India and colored a map.  Andrew chose to color his with many different colors because Indians love color.

Ramboli art was done by using printouts here and colored rice.  After that art project, we had some chai tea with Spiderman.

We learned about tigers using some books we had here at home, as well as some from the library.  Then we learned how to draw them from a book called I Can Draw Animals.  Here are their finished drawings...

Our Indian dinner was Naan bread, chicken and Indian rice.  We all liked it a lot.  The Naan bread was really good and easy to make.  The boys had butter and honey on theirs.  The fun part was eating with our fingers like they do in India.  I served it on this green plate to represent a banana leaf (their plates for special occasions).

Our favorite literature books were One Grain of Rice, The Story of Little Babaji, and The Road to Mumbai.

A great reference book for the country of India was I is for India.

We watched several YouTube videos and videos from Discovery Education on Indian culture and tigers.

Although it has nothing to do with India, Ethan really enjoyed practicing letters using Daddy's shaving cream.

We will begin Christmas Around the World using GTG this week!

1 comment:

Mary@notbefore7 said...

We are doing GTG this year too and have done many of the same countries! It's been fun to see what you all did. Sadly, the photos aren't downloading for I have to imagine it, but we read a lot of the same titles! Hope you have a good rest of year!