Monday, November 16, 2009

Our weekend

We didn't do a whole lot this weekend.  It was just a good weekend to get some things done!  I stayed in most of the week, so I was itching to get out.  I had a lot of bargain shopping to do.  I asked Chad for a "night off" on Friday.  I went to several stores that evening and several on Saturday.  I scored a ton of deals between Kroger, Meijer, Target, and Bath & Body Works.  I also had freebies at Kohl's, Vic Secret and Hallmark.  And I got Christmas PJ's for my boys on sale at Children's Place!  I had a lot of frugal fun!

Saturday afternooon we went to Chad's dad's.  He and Chad changed the muffler on my van.  Hooray!  Friends of the family came over that we haven't seen in a while.   We went to the little diner in town.  It was such a nice visit.

Sunday was a nice and relaxing day with nothing much going on.  Our church continues to be strong through this time of transition.  Continue to pray for us and our search committee.

We are in India again this week.  We had an Indian dinner tonight that was yummy!  We are going to basically take next week off, except for some Thanksgiving things I hope to do with my boys.

My parents are coming for Thanksgiving (yay!!), so we are going to go ahead and get some of the Christmas decorations out.  I figured it would be nice to have the tree up while they were here.  We do it the day after Thanksgiving, anyway.    I did a lot of cleaning and rearranging today to get ready for it all.  The boys are totally excited!

I had to post this picture.  This was Samuel today.  He was cracking me up!  I'm not sure what he's supposed to be!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Maybe Samuel is getting ready for a Christmas pageant. He could be Joseph or a shepherd.