Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Canada Studies

What have we been doing in school lately?  Well, a little bit of this and that.

It's evident in this mess!

We've been learning about the country of Canada these last couple of weeks.  That's worked out quite well since the 2010 Olympics started in Vancouver last week!  We are enjoying those together.Andrew built this platform to represent the medals received at the Olympics.  I thought that was pretty clever to use each of their Playmobil drivers.

We've looked at maps and colored the flag of Canada.  The meal we will be having tonight will be a Canadian meal...Maple Chicken, Wild Rice and Blueberry Crisp!

We love the book Children Just Like Me.  We read about Levi, who is Inuk.  His favorite meal is caribou and ketchup!

We studied polar bears by making a lapbook shared here.  We watched the movie The Little Polar Bear (from the library).

Books on polar bears:

Three Snow Bears - this goes along with the lapbook.

Polar Bear Scare was a cute one

A Polar Bear's Journey was a beautifully illustrated book with lots of good information!

And lots more that we had in our own library!

It's cold in Canada and it's cold here!  So we made this Winter Sun Catcher from the latest Family Fun magazine.  It's so pretty!  And yes, it has been frozen solid since we made it.  It's hanging in the tree right out our front window.  So we enjoy looking at that and watching our woodpecker friends.

We read some neat missionary stories from the country of Canada.

We celebrated Valentine's Day by reading lots of books I already had, plus some from the library.  Our Co-op's Valentine party was Wednesday.  These are their boxes we made!

On Friday we celebrated our first 100 days of school.  We counted 100 pennies. Andrew was really excited to keep what he had earned.  A penny a day??  I can do that!

Andrew and I counted to 100 with the little guys on the abacus.  Just looking at 100 made us excited!

We also watched a cute video on 100 days of school from Discovery Education.

Daddy built these really fun airplanes out of a sturdy foam board.  They were thrilled!  Here they are all ready for take off!

And of course we always get our Horizons curriculum in each day.  Some days these last couple of weeks have been "night school", although that is sometimes more enjoyable!  I am really starting to think about next year, especially since I may purchase some curriculum at the convention.  It's so much to think about!

So we've had fun!


Montica said...

Hey.. are you planning on going to the early childhood convention in April in downtown Indy? Where I work at they always send us and pay for it for both days, but this year it is over Spring Break and I am not going to go.

sarahssweeties said...

I'm not aware of that one. There's a homeschool convention end of this month, but I am going to the Cincy one later. You all headed out for Spring Break?