Monday, February 15, 2010

Our Weekend

We had such a nice weekend!  I wish these could happen more often!  :)

Friday evening we met some friends at a local pizza place.  The boys call it "Choo Choo Pizza" because of the little train that travels all over the restaurant and brings your drinks.  They love that place and have been wanting to go, so we went to celebrate their 100th day of school.  We had a fun time visiting with our friends, and laughing lots as we usually do.  Then we went to decorate for the church Valentine dinner.  After that, we went to an elementary school gym to watch RC planes and helicopters fly.  It was a packed evening, but a fun one.

Saturday morning we gave the boys their Valentines.  They each had to follow their own trail of kisses (red, pink, silver).

The lips we are hit!  I put candy hearts in these cute little cups from Target.  Ethan is holding his here.   They each got a fun little ball, too.

I went to get my haircut.  I got a lot cut off, but it feels good.  Chad's mom and stepdad came to get the boys Saturday afternoon.  All 3 of them were going to spend the night with Mamaw and Papaw!  It was soon time to get ready for the Valentine dinner.  We ordered a ton of food from Texas Roadhouse.  It was yummy, of course.  But the fun we had was even better!  We all had such a great time that night.  We had 26 people there...and it was one big family party.  We played a few games, including the "Not So Newlywed Game."  That was too funny.  We all had a ton of laughs.  Chad and I came home to a quiet house.  I was telling a friend that I could even hear the clocks tick!  Weird!!  We watched and movie together.  It was a nice break.

Sunday morning I was awaken by Chad turning on the light and setting this in my lap....

And then this, which absolutely cracked me up!!!

He's so cute. What a clever way to give me earrings, although the picture is not too flattering...especially as an 8x10!  It was mounted on a piece of cardboard, so all those lines you see are glue!  I really don't have some kind of skin disease!

We went to church, and actually got there on time!  Amazing!  For lunch, Chad wanted to take me to my most favorite place to eat...Qdoba.  Mmmm.  We came home for a bit and then headed west to get our boys.  They had a ball and did great for Mamaw and Papaw.  We came home.  Andrew and I stayed home for about 20 mins only to leave again for Bible Drill.  I also had a meeting to attend at church.  Afterwards, we met at Steak n Shake for dinner.

So a fun filled and very packed weekend.  I loved it!

1 comment:

hisworkinprogress said...

Sounds like a great weekend...I am really anti-Valentines Day--I think if anything "Love Day" should be everyday :) Why just once a year?? I am so jealous you went to two of my favorite places..Pizza King and Qdoba! YUmmy..