Monday, February 22, 2010

Our Weekend

We didn't have much planned at all for the weekend.  We enjoyed being home.

Saturday morning we got up and fixed donuts together.  Did you know Canada has more donuts shops per capita than any other country?   See the recipe on my other blog!

Chad ventured under the house to find that our sump pump wasn't working.  So poor guy had to buy another one and change it out.  All my complaints about the work we have to do sometimes as women is nothing compared to having to go under the house and do stuff like that!  Saturday afternoon I took some book backs to the library, got a few and checked out a few videos.  I am completely hooked on Pioneer Woman.  I have visited her website on a few occasions.  I saw her cookbook on the "new" shelf and couldn't resist.  I sat down with it while Chad and the boys watched the Muppets (btw...a little tidbit about Chad that I found out recently is that he LOVES the Muppets, haha).  I couldn't put the book down.  It's such a fun read.  She does a lot of writing and has lots of beautiful pictures she has taken of her ranch, kids, etc.   She has all her recipes on her website.

Sunday evening we didn't have any church activities.  We invited some friends over for dinner.  We hadn't visited with them in a little while, so it was so good to be together again.  We had such a blessed time.   She brought me two bouquets of flowers!  Here is one of them...

I know one thing.  Being at home on the weekends and cooking is for the birds!  I usually don't plan real meals on the weekends, mainly because I enjoy the break time!  I so love cooking, but cooking on the weekends requires more cleaning on the weekends.  Not for this girl.  I cooked dinner Friday evening, Saturday evening and Sunday evening.  So I protested (ha, not really) and made chicken patties and potatoes rounds for dinner tonight.  No work, no mess.  I'll be back on duty tomorrow with some sweet and sour chicken.

We plan to begin our unit on Mexico this week.  This will be a fun one!  Ole'!


Sharon said...

I love Pioneer Woman, too! That is where I got the apple dumpling recipe. I also like her meatballs. Fun stuff. Unfortunately (or I guess it is a good thing) Ben's triglyceride level is crazy high so I need to start modifying my cooking and baking.

Bekah said...

Must be why I am craving Mexican food like crazy this week! I mean, I can't get enough of it! Yummm! Enjoy your new unit on Mexico and eat some good Mexican food! :-)

sarahssweeties said...

Sharon - I just realized that's where the dumplings came from. Yeah, she's not the healthiest cook. I will save most of these recipes for special events!
And Bekah - so funny that you say that because my friend Melanie said she was really craving Mexican too! Weird! I'm going to try PW's Migas.

Amber said...

I love her website too..found it when I was looking for raised bed her whole web-site though!