Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Weekend

It was a weekend at home, mostly, and it was nice.

Friday evening Chad had a sleep study done at the hospital.  He did well, according to the nurse.  We will get results sometime later in the week.  I did not like having him gone!  It's been a while since he has had to go out of town, so it wasn't easy to sleep!  Especially when I had like 2inches of bed space!  I had put Sam to bed and then as I was putting the other two to bed, Andrew asked, "Mommy, I thought since it was a special night and Daddy was gone that we could sleep with you."  I could not say no!  It was precious laying there talking to them.  They are some sweeties, that's for sure.  It always amazes me and melts me heart when they talk about God.  They really understand His love for them.

So anyway, I hardly got any sleep.  I was happy to see Chad.  We got up and had breakfast.  He took A&E to Lowe's to build a birdhouse.  It's cute.  They stained it when they got home.  I went running around to get some groceries and also some things for the upcoming weekend.  I scored big at Meijer!  Here's what I got:

3 five packs Kraft mac and cheese - will have to share these with a friend or something!

3 boxes CapriSuns - Will use for Andrew's party

3 packs cheese packets - Sam's fav!

2 boxes Oreos - will use for Andrew's party

1 box 12 ct 100 cal cookies

All for $3!!!  I so love deals like that!  I did quite a few at Target, too!  It really does help to pay attention to deals and clip coupons!

While I was gone, Mamaw and Papaw stopped by to give my boys a new pet.  It was a Venus Fly Trap plant!  Andrew has been wanting one for so long.  They love him!  We all researched some information about them.  So that was a great addition to our plant studies!

Church was good.  There's a fresh new spirit there.  We are all excited for our new pastor and what's to come for our church!

We came home and stayed in all day.  It rained the whole day.  It has rained a lot in the last few days, but we really did need it.  The boys are ready for a dry day, though!  We did get some things done inside, like our room. If there is one room I am always ashamed of, it's ours!  We always take our clean laundry in there and stack it up.  There's always extra blankets, pillows, and stuff like that all around.  So we completely cleaned it out, even the closet!  It feels great.  I have a cleaning list this week to get ready for Andrew's party this coming Saturday evening.

I am glad we didn't have any real scheduled plans.  That's the best kind of weekends, sometimes.


Amber said...

Sounds like a great time! I am ready for the sun and warm weather so I can get this garden going..did you get yours going?

sarahssweeties said...

Not yet! We still need to till the soil! Did you get tiller working?

Amber said...

Yes its working..James is getting it tonight from his parents..hopefully we can till soon!