Tuesday, May 18, 2010

God hears our prayers, even for the silliest things

Last Thursday I went out to CVS to grab a few things.  It was the day before Treasure Box time and my box was empty.  I needed something to put in there.  I needed something cheap and not something completely junky, and not candy.

So I said a little prayer while walking around the store, asking the Lord to show me something.  This is what I saw...

And I know you may thinking, "Tape?"  But you don't know my boys.  They LOVE tape.  And this will be their tape dispensers...they won't steal mine!

And the colors...now that is a beautiful gift from God.  Red for Andrew, Green for Ethan and Blue for Sam.  Just like it always is.

Crazy?!  You can think that.  But may my donut tape dispensers remind you of how God really does care, and He does hear the prayers of His people.


Corina said...

Love it! Yes, He DOES hear our prayers. I'm so thankful! And my boys would love the tape, too - it's great for building things and other "creations"! Hope you guys enjoy it.

malia said...

awe! yeah, i did see them with their tape. sooo adorable! :) man....i want to start a blog! lol. its so cool. by the way, yours is really cool! and the boys are adorable as always. it needs to get really windy so andrew & i can fly his kite!!!!! :( stupid not windy week!