Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Curriculum Choices for Next Year

It's almost August, so the pressure is on!  This is what we have line up to do together:

Andrew - 2nd Grade

Language Arts - Horizons 2 Phonics & Reading and Horizons 2 Spelling & Vocab

Math - Horizons 2

Writing (I might have a hard time not using the term Penmanship!) - A Reason for Handwriting

Ethan - Kindergarten

Language Arts - Horizons K Phonics & Reading

Math - Horizons K

Writing - We'll see how he does before I make a big plan on this one.  I may just have him do the same R for H that Andrew does.

Sam - PrePreK?

I still have a lot of work and thinking to do on this one.  I want him to have somewhat of a system just so it makes it easier for all of us.  I'm just not sure what that system is yet.  I love Tot School from 1+1+1=1 and her Tot Tray ideas.  So I may do that with some trays I purchased at Target. I love the Letter of the Week curriculum, so I will do some of that as well.  This is just more of a busy work time for him (with lots of learning and listening opportunities from the other boys doing their school).  I just want to include him in our school time and get him adjusted to our schedule.  He's my baby, so I don't want to rush him into anything!

For All 3 boys

Bible - I will use the HOP Bible pack Chad's stepmom gave to me a while back.  I have used it some, but could definitely do more of this on a schedule.  I am also feeling the need to  spend a lot of time focusing on creation, which will be a great history lesson at the same time.  So I'll have to do some more praying on this one.

Galloping the Globe - We had a great time with this one last year!  This covers a lot, including a lot more than just geography!  We incorporate literature, science, art, Bible, and more.  The countries I have chosen this year so far are:  Brazil, Italy, Germany and China.  We will also be doing more Christmas around the world.

Health - We will be using Horizons 1st grade health curriculum together.  I didn't do health last year, so I thought we could start here.

Science - A lot will be done using GTG, but Chad and I also want to have a "science night with daddy" on a weekday evening.  They will love that!  We could easily go through one concept at a time using Usborne's How Things Work.

I am working on a "Morning Notebook" instead of a board to save space.  In that notebook we will have the calendar, including (and still working on this) the counting of 100 days, temperatureskip counting, and Godly Character Traits.  BTW...I am so delighted that so many people have downloaded this (2,877 to be exact!).  It's amazing for me to think that so many children might be taught these this upcoming year.  To God be the Glory!  I also have a neat devotional book to use each morning.  I like it because it has 180 days!

Speaking of 180 days...We plan to start after Labor Day.  Our Horizons curriculum has 160 lessons.  So after laying it all out with holiday breaks,etc, I came up with 170.  So 10 of those days will not include Horizons work (around the holidays).  I will make up the 10 more needed by doing a Saturday each month as a field trip or some other kind of learning opportunity!  I could easily count a ton of days this summer if I wanted to.  I love being flexible and relaxed (pretty much!) about it all.

We will also be involved in our Co-Op next year.  We love that and it just gets better!!

In all this planning, what really matters?  What really matters to me is that I am fulfilling my purpose as a mom and teacher to my children.  I pray that I am planning the right things.  I want to raise up Godly little men.  In Proverbs 16:3 it says, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."  I want to make a commitment today for next year.  This upcoming school year is Yours, Lord!  I cannot do this on my own.  It goes on to say in verse 20, "...blessed is he who trusts in the Lord."  I pray for that blessing to be bestowed upon our family and all the rest of our plans for next year.

'Cause I gotta a lot to do.


Lindsay @ Bytes of Memory said...

Sounds like an amazing year you have planned! I would love to hear more about your morning notebook. I also just don't have the space for a board! I am going to have a big planning session this weekend :-)

Corina said...

I always love to read what others are doing! I, too, am in planning/organizing mode. We are starting August 9th. Love the verse, too - think I'll print that out and put it on the front of my lesson plan book!

MacKenzie said...

First off- we have just started using your Godly Character traits cards and I am really loving them! Such a great addition to our calendar time! Thanks!

Second- I am so excited to hear that you are using Galloping the Globe! Since it seems like you have used it for a while already I would love to hear a little bit more about what you think about using it for this age group. I am considering using it for my son for Kindergarten and 1st grade and have heard mixed reviews over whether this is too young or not. Any insight you can deliver would be WONDERFUL!

And one more question, if I may, what is it about Horizon's Math that you specifically like? I am weighing the pros and cons of different math programs and really want to hear from moms who have actually used them! Thanks so much for your time!

sarahssweeties said...

Hi MacKenzie! We used GTG just last year. You can see what we did under the GTG unit study posts. It was super fun to do with my 1st grader and preschooler(s) at the time. Of course, it's just basic stuff...introduction to geography and the world around us. I wanted to start them off early to have a world view, you know? Lots of books and fun stuff. I didn't get too much into the history part of it...just what we read in books. There is so much to do with it. That's where I get my "fun" out of school...those unit studies that keep us both going!
As far as Horizons Math...we started off with Math U See and I found Andrew to just be plain bored with it. He is a very visual learner, so something colorful and exciting really changed things for us. Math is not his favorite subject, but I feel like he did real well with this. I like the spiral technique they use. Everything is easy to follow and they do a good job at reviewing each concept throughout the year. So we will give it another shot this year!

L2l said...

our first year of schooling we tried horizon and it wasn't a hit with my son, there was too much repetition for him. Once he masters a skill he is ready to move on. I haven't tried MUS but we have found great success in McRuffy's Math program; it usually has two worksheets each day but it also has wonderful manipulatives that have helped my son work out problems until it clicks in his head. This has helped reduce the frustration for him and builds his confidence until he can work without the manipulatives. I personally loved the format of Horizon and I thought you might also enjoy info on McRuffy as well. Happy Homeschooling!!!

L2L said...

I greatly enjoy Totally Tots website, I have not heard of GTG looking forward to checking that out. It's funny as we tell people we homeschool they usually ask us how long we plan and I have to be honest when I tell them I don't know? Each year we carefully consider God's will for our children but always want to be open to what God has in store for them and not what we want. So we too are trusting in the Lord's direction as He directs us to once again homeschool. And yes I am very happy that I get another year with my 3 blessings!!!!

laughingstars66 said...

I had forgotten about Galloping the Globe. I've never used it, but it sounds like something my 6-year-old would enjoy.

Your children are adorable. :-)