Monday, November 23, 2009

Our Weekend

This weekend was fun and one that was pretty laid back.  It's one that I can look back at once again and say that we are so blessed.

Friday night a friend and her family came over.  We had pizza together.  Then I colored her hair.  We had a great time of talking and laughing together.  Not laughing about the hair!  It turned out well!  I might have to do this hair color thing as a side business.  Just kidding!  There's no greater way to connect with friends!  :)

Saturday a lady at our church had a prayer luncheon.  She asked me to bring rolls and dessert.  My very chocolately dessert came out just fine, but Friday was not my day to cook!  I mixed up rolls and put no yeast in it!  I know it was probably because I was on the phone with my mom while putting the ingredients in.  Oh well, the chat with my mom was worth it!  So, guess what I had to do because I was so irritated and just plain tired?  You ready for this?  I went and BOUGHT frozen dough balls and the store.  Oh my gosh, I was so embarrassed.  That sounds absolutely crazy, maybe, but it was a lot of pride that I had to swallow.  They came out just fine and I looked back as soon as it was done and had a good laugh about myself.  Anyway, maybe it was the devil trying to discourage me from having a good time at that luncheon.  After all, he was at work trying to discourage my friend that was hosting.  But like she said, he ought to know who he's messin' with!  The lunch was great, of course.  But the speaker and prayer time was absolutely amazing.  God put us all together there for a reason and His Name was glorified!

After I left the luncheon, I headed up to Trader Joe's.  I so love that store, but not so much on a Saturday afternoon!  I got some of our usual yummies and a few things for this upcoming holiday week.  Then I headed to the Playmobil store.  I am like a kid when I go there.  I want it all!  But I refrained.  I got something for Sam and Ethan and a couple of cute things for my little niece.  I went to a few other places and headed home.  I am getting my Christmas shopping done!!  Hooray!

So we didn't get Samuel's tractor yet.  Instead, he got to ride on one!  A & E were talking about him getting his tractor on the way to church this morning.  Sam asks Daddy if he can ride on a combine and we both said that, unfortunately, our friends were done harvesting.  Or so we thought!  While eating lunch, we got a call from Farmer Jeff inviting us to come harvest corn with them!  We, of course, couldn't say no!!  We both had things that really needed to get done here, but we decided to seize the moment.  So we scarfed our lunches and took off west!

As we pulled in, the combine and tractor came to meet us.  Needless to say, the boys were thrilled and ready to hop in! Chad ended up being a tractor driver to help the guys out.  Boy did we think that was cool!   Enjoy my many pictures!

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After we were done, the sun was setting so beautifully.  The boys pointed it out.  Samuel's usual response to the sunset that just melts my heart is, "Look at what God made!"  We called Chad's mom to tell her we were coming.  She was surprised, but delighted to have us come in and beg for supper.  We all sat down together for sandwiches.  She had a pack of cookies sitting there waiting to be made, so I went ahead and made them.  The boys were in the other room playing while the four of us sat at the table with a Bible opened, discussing the Word and the sermons we had had heard earlier that day.  It was one of those special moments we won't soon forget.

Don't you love it when the Lord gives you fun opportunities to share His Word?  As we started off this morning, we read Matthew 9:35-38 which says, "Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.  Then he said to His disciples, The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Andrew had a "light bulb" moment while I was comparing that corn field we harvested to the lost world.  He pipes up and says, "We are supposed to be combines!"  Out of the mouth of babes!  It's so true!

May we be moved with compassion for those that are lost, especially during this week of Thanksgiving.  I am truly grateful for the spiritual guidance I received as a child.  I can only pray that I can pass that along to my children.  I want them to see what Christ saw and be moved with compassion for this dying world.


Mom said...

Wow! God answers prayers and desires of little ones. Isn't that great?

Amber said...

Love this post and pictures