Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Honey Bees Unit Study

I thought Spring would be a great time to learn about honey bees!  It has been fun!  Take a look at some things we did...

Fun Activity Sheet - 2nd page

Coloring Sheet

Bee Maze

Made Honey Peanut Butter Dip for Apples and had Honeycomb cereal for breakfasts!

We watched the video The Magic School Bus - Inside a Beehive. They really enjoyed that!

Also, this YouTube Video...

Our theme verse for this study was Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

We also looked at the "Bee-Attitudes" in Matthew 5:3-12.  To learn these, we listened to the song and read more on the Beatitudes from the 100 Bible Stories and Songs.

I made this for our reference:

We pretended to have a beehive of our own.  I was the Queen Bee, Andrew the Drone, Ethan the Worker Bee and Samuel was the Pupa.  The best part was watching Ethan fly around the house, find flowers, and come back to regurgitate it back to us.  Their dances were pretty funny, too!

We made a Thumb Print Bees Craft.  They turned out pretty cute!  We used chopsticks to make our stripes!  Ethan and Sam went a little thumbprint crazy, but they were all cute!

In our bookshelves:

Gran's Bees

The Bee Tree

The Queen with Bees in Her Hair

Busy Buzzy Bee

Life Cycles - Bees


The Fascinating World of Bees

On Beyond Bugs - All About Insects

and a lot more from the good 'ole library!

We will be taking a trip to a honey bee farm south of Indy next week.  That will be exciting!

1 comment:

Corina said...

Cool!! That looks really fun! I hope you have a great trip to the bee farm. A friend back where my parents live just started up bee farming. Hopefully soon we can go visit and see his hives!